
RECreate! Is an opportunity to promote fun, healthy games, and activities that teaches good sportsmanship and a healthy lifestyle.


Our mission is to maximize each participant’s therapeutic potential as well as improve the quality of life for both their community and love ones. We provide different types of educational and recreational activities for those of all race, religion, disability or socioeconomic class. Our belief of care is helping establish a positive outlook on life through nature for a better future. In doing so, we incorporate the importance of education, nature, love, and by all means the pursuit of happiness through recreation.

As a team we developed a program for people to build with their colleagues to increase their self-esteem and awareness of leisure and recreation. 

Recreation involves the use of challenges to provide growth experiences that can help people make fundamental changes in their lives. The benefit of this program includes establishing a deeper connection with the ability to trust one’s community through the experience of teamwork, socialization , developing healthier relationships with the motor skills, taking responsibility for one’s actions and how those actions impact nature, and increasing feelings of self-esteem, joy and self-accomplishment.